
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stepping Back In Time

Virginia City, Nevada

We like to go here and see all the buildings and hisorical sights. Virginia City was the site of several very large, very successful silver mines. Men made fortunes or died poor trying to strike it rich. It's a really fun place to visit and you can spend a lot of time just looking at everything. I highly reccommend a walk through the cemetary, it is fascinating!

The buildings are beautiful. Most of them were built after the fire in the late 1800's.

This is a tin roof in the Silver Queen Bar. It is origional, but the wallpaper is not.

A look down the street.

The Bonanza Bar.

There were a lot of bars in those days and very little else.

More buildings.

This was on our way back to the car and is a Blacksmiths shop. I love this picture and I'm thinking of blowing it up to hang on our wall.

For more information about Virginia City, look here.

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