
Monday, August 30, 2010

Accidents Happen, ER Sucks, I'm Sleepy

I would love to regale you all with some amazing story of our weekend, but we didn't do anything amazing. We didn't do anything exciting.

We worked on our house. Then we went to the ER. You know, for giggles.

You see, my handy manny was under our home putting the finishing touches on our plumbing. You know, so we could get a drink. Or flush the toilet. Or take a shower. Anyhoo, he sliced his arm open with a razor knife and off to the Emergency Room we went.

He was filthy, and dirty and muddy. He'd been working all day and most of the time he was working in mud. So I got to drag a man to the hospital that looked like a hobo and smelled like one too.

Then, because all of that wasn't fun enough, we got to wait for 4 HOURS to get 4 stitches. But, I was happy to see that the mom that was a nurse there got her kid in before us. You know, cause the girl thought she MIGHT have broken her hand.

Funny thing about that though. The kid kept using the broken hand for all kinds of things that you wouldn't do if you had a broken hand. Like, push down on the armrest of the chair and lift yourself into a more comfortable position.

I don't want to sound bitter, but I DO NOT understand why the people who work in the ER have to be so grouchy. We don't want to be there and your complete and total lack of any kind of sympathy is kind of ridiculous. Also, why do they call it an Emergency Room if you have to wait 4 hours to be seen? It really isn't an emergency if you can wait around that long to get it taken care of.

Maybe they should change the name to "Kind of speedy if you know the right people room"

Ok, rant over.

We got out of there and came home. Not to go to bed, no sir. To finish the plumbing so that we could have some water this morning. It was a very late night and I am very tired. It takes a lot of work to keep my sandy feeling, heavy lidded eyes from drooping down and closing.

I hope this isn't an indication of how this week is going to go.

I also hope that nap time gets here quickly.

And that it's long.

And quiet.

And warm.

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