
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Top 10

Top 10

Reasons Why I Hate Walmart

1) There is never more than 3 check stands open at one time.

2) You never fail to see someone you would rather avoid while standing in one of the 3 aforementioned check stand lines.

3) The workers are generally rude.

4) The greeters make me uncomfortable. Do you answer them, ignore them? I never know..

5) Finding things is impossible. Just when you memorize where something is, they move it.

6) They are always out of what I need.

7) No one knows what anything is, so asking for help is of no use.

8) Checkers often ask what you are going to do with so much of such and such item, i.e. 25 lbs of flour. Does no one there cook?!

9) You cannot go into the store without seeing *at least* one person with insufficient undergarments on. 'Nuff said there....

Last but not least the number 10 reason I hate Walmart is:

I always get stuck in the section where they are doing their morning meeting. The singing, clapping and general forced merriment is a cruel and unusual punishment.

Have a Happy 4th Of July everyone!


  1. LOL I totally agree!! especially with the moving stuff around.

    In our little town the cashiers and workers HAVE TO be nice! If they are rude the word gets out and they don't have their job very long.

    And yes, I really hate when they comment or ask questions about what I am buying. Oh lets see, I am buying seeds, fertilizer and garden tools.. do you really have to ask what I going to be doing??? duh!!

    Good posting!
    Thanks for the laugh..
    And thanks to I am very consious about how I am dressed when I go to walmart. LOL


  2. Love People of Walmart, it's a great site! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I am following you now thanks to Friendly Friday!! It would be nice if you would share back the love here! Happy Friendly Friday!

  4. I found you on Friendly Friday - love your blog and am following!
    Totally agree about Walmart. I have a love-hate relationship with it as I live in a small town and it's the only place I can get most things. I have so many reasons not to like it though. I don't even like the design of the parking lot!

  5. Hello! I am stopping by from Friendly Friday. I totally agree about Wal Mart and especially about the greeters their. It's so awkward! I'm following you so I'm definitely looking forward to more great posts! I hope you check out my blog(s) and follow as well!

  6. Haha...yes, I feel your pain in all of those reasons. I HATE how there are a sea of registers, but there are never enough open...

    New follower :)

  7. Thank you everyone for stopping by!

  8. Hi!Following you from Friendly Friday! nice to find a fellow foodie.... Hope you could follow back and say hi!

  9. following you through friendly friday

  10. Hello!
    Your post cracked me up! I thought only I felt that way about Walmart. I found you from follow fridays. I added you to my google friends. Do you have a twitter or facebook?
    You can check out my blog at


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