
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thoughts on Food

OK, here's the deal. Many of you read my previous post about my juice fast. Well, today started my "real food" part of the program.

Real food is scary.

At least it is when you haven't eaten a bite of it for 8 days. You have to wonder what is going to happen. How will your stomach act when it has more than water in it? Will it revolt? Will you spend all day on the potty? I just wasn't sure.

So this morning I get up excited/apprehensive about chewing my food today instead of drinking it. And you know what? I found out I can barely eat ANYTHING. Breakfast-1/2 can apple and a dozen grapes. Lunch- a handful of baby carrots. Dinner- salad  with avocado, green onion, cucumber and salsa. I ate (no joke) like 6 bites and I was done. Stuffed to the point where my stomach hurts. I had an apple in there somewhere today, but this is some serious stuff.

My stomach is now the size of a raisin.

I don't know how to feel about that. I don't want to stretch it back out to it's previous extra large size. But, how do I feel about being full after eating a brownie? I just don't know, it's going to be a new experience that's for sure.

I will continue to update you on the progress as I go along.

Also, if I can lose another 10 pounds before we go on vacation in August, I will be halfway done with my weight loss goal. I'm so very very happy with that. Right now, I weight what I did when I brought my twins home two (!) years ago. Forward continues.

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