
Saturday, July 24, 2010


Our babies are turning 2 (SNIFF) on Monday, so I thought I would take you on a pictoral journey through those two years.

Let's start at the begining, shall we?

Alex, getting all of her gear hooked up. When they had to tape her down, I didn't think it was very funny. Now, I feel like doing this everytime I change their diapers. Also, I can now find some humor in it. I laugh so I don't cry kinda thing.

Little Brenna, our troublemaker, all hooked up and resting peacefully just minutes after being born. Tiny. That's all I have to say.

Alex, finally calmed down and resting. She was only on the breathing machine for a couple of days.

Brenna's tiny baby feets. Awww.

After a couple weeks they got to come home. They slept like this in the hospital, when they got home and they still sleep together like this. These are the first babies that have never spent one single night in my bed. They just won't sleep without the other one.

Bald, bald, bald.

Still bald! But looking at these pictures I can see the little personalities that they have right now in them, just shining through.

Bigger and hairy too!

Little dirty turkeys, all the time.

So happy together, unless someone bites or pushes the other. Then it's World War 3. I'm sad that the only good picture I have of both of them together, without anyone crying or with closed eyes, has their heads cut off.

Oh, well, I'll try again next year!

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