
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where The Green Grass Grows

My kids also grow.

This picture was taken exactly one year ago today. The twins were almost two.

They hated the grass and didn't like to be on it so they always had to be on a blanket.

These were taken at different times last week. And yes, I see that the same shirt is in these pictures. But it's in a different place, on a different kid and it's on another day. They just like it a lot. 

 As you can see, they now love the grass. They love to be outside, to play, to get dirty, to run and jump and roll on the ground.

What a difference one year makes.

Just wait until their birthday rolls around and I post their NICU pictures alongside their recent ones. You will not believe how tiny they were.

And now they are big.

Please excuse me while I cry my eyes out.

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