
Monday, February 17, 2014

Trimming The Grocery Budget Podcast

In my podcast this week, I talk about our grocery budget being the only place I have left in our budget to trim. For the most part, we have eliminated everything possible to make our budget as small as possible, but I can usually find a way to trim off a few more dollars if need be.

 Here are some of the ways I have learned to trim it down:

  • Learn the difference between wants and needs
  • Menu planning is a KEY tactic to trimming grocery costs
  • How not to fall for the warehouse club trap, instead learn when something is an actual good deal and not just on sale.
  • Cook from scratch
And, to help you get going cooking from scratch, I share a recipe for Cherry Cheesecake Shortcake. Enjoy! 

You can listen to this podcast here, Trimming the Grocery Budget and below you can take a look at last weeks shows from all of the hosts. So many to choose from, so little time......LOL 

*Read my Disclosure


  1. I like to read...yes, I like to be able to take notes, not have to rewind to get a good audio of what is being said. I read two novels a week!!
    If you must please the younger group that can't read any longer, please supply a written program also for us old fogies that still like to read.

  2. I usually do provide a readable post of my podcasts, but this week it just wasn't possible. Sorry! I do the best I can and with small kids at home, my time isn't always my own to do what I'd like.


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