
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop #1

Welcome to the first ever Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop! A couple of lovely ladies and I have teamed up to bring you this blog hop every week and we're so excited. Since this is our first week, we thought we would each showcase an article from each of the other ladies sites, so below you will find my picks for this week :)

First, from Melissa K Norris, I chose this No Bake Pumpkin Cream Pie. I love pumpkin all year round and this looks like a really great way to have my pie in the summer when I don't want to be baking something.

 And next, from Tammy of Mountain Woman Journals, I chose How To Field Dress A Deer because, quite frankly, as many times as I've gone hunting I've never had to do this. The men in my life have always taken care of it, but it's a skill that any person (man or woman) who's trying to provide good, quality groceries for their family should learn! Plus, it's a great video :)

Here's the "rules" for the hop.

1. You can link up to three articles on homemaking, homesteading, recipes, DIY, gardening, livestock, prepping, devotionals, kitchen tips, or ways to embrace the simple life.

2. Link back here so others can enjoy Simple Life Sunday. You can use a direct link or grab the code from our button and post it in your link. Posts will only be featured if you've linked back!

2. Visit a few of the other articles.

Are you on Pinterest? Check out the Simple Life Sunday's Pinterest board, where we'll pin all of the fantastic articles to share.

Note: By linking up, you give us permission to share your photo (with credit and links to your article) on our sites, Pinterest, and other social media sites.

Congrats on embracing the simple life! Feel free to grab our button to share on your site and enjoy the hop.

*Read my Disclosure

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