
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

4 Ways To Naturally Fight A Cold

We've got a wicked cold working it's way through our house. Now, there are a lot of ways to combat germs and illness that include over the counter medicines, natural medicines, disinfecting wipes, sprays & sanitizers and a whole lot more. However, we try to stay clear of over the counter medication if at all possible.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes a trip to the doctor and a full regimen of antibiotics and over the counter medicines is necessary. I don't hesitate to take that route if I think it's needed.

That being said, there are some simple steps you can take to relieve the symptoms and discomfort of a cold. These are the 4 things I do in our home as soon as a cold strikes. These are things that help alleviate symptoms and that are safe for kids of all ages, so you can feel comfortable using them in your home anytime.

My first step is to ease congestion. Having a stuffy head is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of a cold, and getting your nasal passages open, and free of mucus, is essential to comfort as well as to getting rid of nasty little germs lurking about.

To do this, I employ a peppermint or spearmint essential oil steam. It's as simple as putting a couple of drops of essential oil into a bowl, pour boiling water over it, tent yourself over the bowl with a towel and breathe deeply. After a couple of minutes, you may need to start blowing your nose because this will loosen all that stuffed-up crud hanging around in your nose and nasal passages. Repeat a couple of times, always following up by blowing your nose. Be sure you only use just 2-3 drops of oil, otherwise it may be too strong and burn eyes, nose and throat :(

Next, we use a neti pot. I know neti pots have gotten some bad press in the news, but that was because people were not using them properly. You must use distilled water in your neti pot to ensure that the water is free of any harmful bacteria and microbes. Either buy it distilled or boil your own water, and then let it cool off, but do use distilled water PLEASE!

Our next line of defense is to make a  nice hot, steaming cup of herbal tea with lemon (real slices if possible) and honey (raw if possible). Having a steaming cup of tea, infused with vitamin C and the healing power of raw honey lifts your spirits and keeps steam in your face. It's important to treat your symptoms and your spirits when you don't feel good. A hot cup of tea cheers everyone up!

Last, I create an antibacterial room cleaner utilizing the powers of vinegar (this is a good use for Orange Vinegar) and lavender essential oil. Mix together 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of water and a few drops of lavender EO. Spray on door handles, light switches, counter tops, tables- anywhere hands have touched. Both the vinegar and lavender essential oils have antibacterial and disinfecting properties, so it's perfect for cleaning up and killing germs!

The colds and flu are nothing to mess around with this year, many people in my own state have been hospitalized and there have even been deaths associated with H1N1 flu. Keeping your home germ free and trying your best to keep your family healthy is simple....and it can be your first line of defense. If germs do find the way into your system, maybe one of these simple steps will help to ease your symptoms and comfort you during a cold.

***I am not a medical doctor, nor do I have any kind of medical training. Nothing contained within this post should be taken as medical advice. This is simply what works for my family and I'm sharing it with you. Always consult a medical professional for diagnosis of illnesses and treatment.***

*Read my Disclosure

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