
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

La Bonne Terre {REVIEW}

*Read my Disclosure

I love candles. I love the way they smell. I love the way they make my house feel. I love the way they look. I love the sense of peace and joy they bring me.

What I DON'T love is when candles contain ingredients that can be harmful to you, or that are so scented that they stink you out of house and home OR when they just don't smell at all. Or, worse yet, when the scent just isn't what you thought it would be while it's burning. Boo!

I have a ton of candles throughout my house. Some are for basic reasons: light in case of emergency, mood lighting or just as decorative pieces. Then, I have that I have strategically placed around that have the most amazing scents. They relax me and are one of the ways I help to make my house feel like a home.

When I was contacted by La Bonne Terre to see if I wanted to review one of their candles, I immediately accepted. I think we've firmly established that I love me a candle- so I was excited to see how I would like these.

I quickly received my package and before I even opened it, I could smell it. In fact, the ladies at the Post Office told me that it smelled so good it had been making them hungry all morning! I was sent the Warm Apple Cider scent and boy, does it ever smell like apple cider.

I lit the candle as soon as I got home and by the time my husband walked through the door at night, he asked me if I had made apple cider or an apple pie. I told him is was a candle and he could not believe it! This candle smells so good. I light it every day and so far, the candle is really lasting a long time. I'm impressed!

There's more to love about this candle, though, besides just the delicious scent. La Bonne Terre makes all of their candles with a natural, dye free soy wax that is phthalate free! Good for you and good for the environment, too.

You can check out the website at La Bonne Terre and see all of the candles they are currently offering. Right now, you can shop their selection of fall candle fragrances as well as the offerings in their line of Home Fragrances (all natural, of course). You can also connect with La Bonne Terre on Facebook as well. If you've read through this, why not drop on over and give them a "like"? Maybe even leave them a comment letting them know I sent you? I'm sure they would love and appreciate it! 

I loved these candles and I feel so honored to have been able to feature them here for you. A big THANK YOU to La Bonne Terre for thinking of me and sending me one of your lovely candles to try out. I'm in love with them!

**I was sent a candle to review and try. I was not paid to write this review, nor did I trade a positive review for product. I'm including this disclosure not only because the FTC says I have to, but also because I want my readers to know that all reviews I post on this log are honest and the opinions are always mine. I loved this product, but your experience/opinion may differ.**

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