
Monday, June 25, 2012

Cooking With Kids~ Corndog Muffins

These corndog muffins are a great example of something you can cook up with your kids. We don't eat a ton of hot dogs, but for a treat these make a nice, simple lunch. They require no special skills or equipment and are perfect for little hands to help with.

I'm always being asked, "How do you cook with your kids?" The easy answer to that is that they are always in the kitchen with me. My 7 year old can measure, pour, scoop, roll, take some things in and out of the oven (with supervision of course, I don't let them run willy nilly in there), frost simple cakes, make sandwiches and other simple things, knead bread, cut biscuits and cookies, and about a million other things.

Here is how we make these great muffins:

Make your cornbread. I use this recipe cut in 1/2, but you could use your favorite recipe or box mix. It all works!

Fill your greased muffin tins 2/3 full.

Cut your hot dogs into 1/3rds.

Pop one into each muffin.

Cover the hot dog up and pop them into the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes.

Take them out and LET THEM COOL. You muffin will not fall apart and look less than perfect if you aren't rushing to feed little people and trying to get a picture at the same time :)

Your kids can help you do almost every step of this process. They can help you measure, mix and fill the muffin tins. Let them cut the hot dogs with a butter knife (hey, it's a lesson in fractions as well!), put the pieces into the batter and cover them up. Let them look at the clock and decide where the hands should be before they will be ready to take out. And, for heaven's sake, let them help you wash the dishes or load the dishwasher after you are done. You'll appreciate the help and they will be learning a valuable skill at the same time.

Even if your little ones are too little to help out much, stand them on a stool next to you and talk to them about what you are doing, why you are doing it, why unicorns fly, discuss your favorite colors and wonder why it is that boys are so gross (maybe some of these only happen at my house??).

Whatever you do, DO take time to let your kids cook with you. There is nothing sweeter than working along your kids and watching them learn. The conversations you will have are bound to be priceless :)

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