
Friday, September 24, 2010

Punkin Chunkin

Yesterday it was suggested in the comments that I show you all my favorite pumpkin recipes. So, I decided as a way to usher in fall I will be making 7 (!) pumpkin recipes next week. I'll do easy ones and hard ones and everything in between so that everyone can find something to make.
I use pumpkin all through the year, not just in the fall. I stock up canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling) when it goes on sale around Thanksgiving.I have heard that there was another pumpkin shortage this year, so it might be a little harder to get your hands on. They said there was a shortage last year too, but I didn't have any trouble finding any. Who knows, just keep your eyes peeled!
I want to know if anyone has a recipe request or a preference for sweet things or savory ones? If no one speaks up I'm going to make all of my favorite pumpkin recipes. That means bread, muffins, cookies, cheesecake and more!
Then I'm going to have to find some new friends to give it all too so I don't eat it all and reverse the results of my juice fast a couple months ago. That would be tragic.
I am looking forward to sharing my favorite fall recipes with you!
Monday starts "Cooke Cooks-Punkin Week", don't miss it~!

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